Monday, August 1, 2011

Walmart Run = $241.08 of products for $24.61

I ran out today to pick up a few of the FREEBIES and BEST BUYS from this week's sales.  I wanted to make sure to pick up the Gillette Fusion ProGlide razors and the Oral B 3D Action Power Toothbrushes since the last time these went on sale the shelves were bare!  I'm happy to say, the Legends Walmart had full shelves and after showing the cashier the ads, they honored the sales prices!However, after my embarrassing snag, be sure to check the limits... both of these deals have a 4 item max per transaction.  :)

So, how did I do today?  I got 36 items with a retail price of $241.08 for $24.61 --- a savings of $221.47.  We were starting to run low on several of these items so I was glad to stock up!



  1. Where did u get the coupons for the razors.

  2. The razor coupons were in this Sunday's Proctor and Gamble insert in the KC Star. If you didn't pick up any newspapers, you may still be able to pick them up at grocery stores.

