I printed off all of the KC Savvy Shopper lists (mainly the meat and best buys from this week) and we loaded up the cart with KC Strip steaks, Ribeye steaks, boneless/skinless chicken breasts, tuna, Kraft mac and cheese, lunchmeats, coffee, sliced cheeses, puddings, crackers, watermelons, salad dressing, Mayo, and Tide... for a total of 56 products! (Sorry there is no picture this time -- she took everything home!)
To spice things up in the check out line, I had Linda guess the total cost. Her guess??? $300. Wow, was she wrong! Our product total should have been $252.76... but with coupons and price matching, it was $128.78! That's a savings of $124 --- or 49%! Not to shabby for a first time couponer!
Needless to say, my MIL is now a believer and can't wait for this weekend's shopping trip... ie, her next couponing lesson! And as Linda says, if she can do it, anyone can!